Thursday, August 21, 2014

You've been warned!
I recently posted this on my facebook page and my bf just had to comment on it. Here's how the conversation went:

BF: "I know my antics are brilliant fodder. Can we give my 'fictional character not based on any actual person' a super cool name?"

ME: "Yes, I have a few cool names with your antics in mind. For instance, the time you left your bestie stranded outside of a mansion in fear of a huge killer attack dog will play out in a novel one of these days."

BF: "Hey, I told you to get in the car. That is equivalent to attempting to save your life. You're welcome."

Me: "Be nice, or I might not change the names to protect the guilty."

We were driving to Westport California to camp on the coast, when I noticed my favorite house in the whole wide world was for sale. Of course I had to stop and take a good look at it. 
We weren't there two minutes when we noticed a large metal dog bowl near the door step. My bestie suddenly sprinted back to the car, leaving me to fend for myself. No dog in sight, just the bowl. The home owners could have been feeding the raccoons for all we knew, but it definitely ended my tour of the beautiful home.
It might make for a good story someday.

The house is selling for 1,799,000 dollars.  I'm about 1,798,000 short of buying my dream home, in case anyone would like to loan me a few pennies. 
Here's a photo of the place. It sits above Westport on twenty acres and overlooks the Pacific ocean. It also has a writing loft! I can't think of a more wonderful place to write my stories. 
*Sigh*, A girl can always dream.